Friday, February 5, 2010


By Your Athletic Supporter, Jack Strap

Years back they said that the Dallas Cowboys were AMERICA'S TEAM. I never understood that, but realized that maybe that was because I was an Eagles fan & simultaneously a Cowboys-hater. In the midst of the Jerry Jones era, I'm not hearing that anymore which is good, but think it's time for a real AMERICA'S TEAM & would like to nominate the New Orleans Saints.

My case for the Saints as AMERICA'S TEAM starts with the severe strife that New Orleans has gone through since Hurricane Katrina. This football franchise has had a lot more disappointments (i.e. Aints) than success, but now they are in their inaugural Super Bowl. Their QB Drew Brees also seems like a really good guy in addition to being a top-rate QB. So let's kick-off the Saints as AMERICA'S TEAM with everybody getting behind them to upset Peyton Manning (Who Dat?) & his Colts (who dem?). And following that will be the greatest Super Bowl celebration in history--think Mardi Gras on Bonds/Sosa/McGwire Steroids.