Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Around the Interwebs: Penn State Football Links for 2/18/2009

  • Apparently former LT and draft prospect Gerald Cadogan is one smart cookie - and quite the singer, according to a recent interview. [The Football Expert]
  • Run Up The Score has been profiling the 2009 recruiting class and is four fifths of the way done. It was a big class. Check out The Kids Are Alright, Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4. [Black Shoe Diaries]
  • How is it that Beaver Stadium was the largest stadium in the nation for the 2008 season yet we still finished second in total attendance... to Michigan again! A hint: it has to do with the schedule. I guess things won't be getting better next year then. [The Nittany Line] & [Zombie Nation]
  • BSD chronicles the 2010 quarterback conundrum. We added Kevin Newsome in 2009 and have a verbal from Paul Jones for next year. Do we need another scholarship QB recruit? [Black Shoe Diaries]