Friday, February 13, 2009

E, are you friends with these people?

Go and check out this blog post by ESPNs AFC East writer Tim Graham. Then read my rebuttals below.

To Donnel in New York: No YOU'RE an idiot.

To Gilbert in Palo Alto, Calif.: It's FAVRE, not Farve. And the Jets season was a failure. They spend millions of dollars to make the playoffs. They failed. The coach was fired. It doesn't matter that they improved from last year. The additions of Alan Faneca, Tony Richardson, Kris Jenkins, Calvin Pace, Damien Woody, and Brett Favre should have been able to take the Jets to the playoffs. It didn't happen. Failure.

To Brad in Denver: Who cares about a winning season if there is no playoff appearance and, after the season ends, your team is back in shambles? No QB for the future, unless Kellen Clemens, Brett Ratliff, or Erik Ainge blossom this offseason. A new head coach and staff. Plus, the salary cap isn't in the best of shape.

To Jack in Sioux Falls, S.D.: You're a football fan but didn't know the Jets were a football team? Favre making the Jets relevant is the point? WHAT? I though it was to win.

To Joe from Parts Unknown: The ramifications aren't that severe? The team was built to win NOW! Like as in 2008! Woody, Faneca, and Richardson aren't spring chickens. Favre is gone. Who's the QB?

To Adam in Rockford, Ill.: Agreed!

To Jim from Parts Unknown: Jim, Tim is one of the most unbiased bloggers I've read. He covers the NFL professionally for ESPN. Just because he had stints in the other AFC East cities doesn't mean he's a fan of any of those teams. I dont' remember where Graham grew up but, if I recall correctly, Graham was a fan of no AFC East team. I want to say he liked the Redskins as a boy. Not 100% sure on that. Mangini leaving is a good thing? Ah, you're one of those. You know the kind, don't you Jim. The one's that call someone "Mangenius" one week and then say "Mangini leaving is a good thing". The Jets line couldn't keep Favre off the ground? They gave up only 30 sacks in 2008, 14th in the league. That's better than average. "How did they do in the playoffs?" about Miami. Wow. Smack talking a team that made the playoffs and beat you on your home turf to win the division. Nice.

To Nate in Las Vegas: For the third time, the Jets having a winning record in 2008 means nothing. It is a failure because the bar was set so high for this group of new and, supposedly, amazing players. The team didn't perform to lofty expectations. Failure. And about Favre's injury... come on! You think Favre hurt was better than Clemens or Ratliff? No way. Favre, as usual, showed his selfish nature and continued to play when he shouldn't have been.

To Dan from Ashwaubenon, Wisc.: Stop making excuses for Brett. He does that good enough for himself. And Tim, if these fools really want you to leave ESPN then you can, by all means, blog for me. The pay is great, right E and Steely McDonati?

OK. No more of this. These fools don't need this much attention from me. Sorry Jeff in Denver, Hawkhunter in Chicago, Steve in Cincinnati, Jeff from Parts Unknown, Pat in New Haven, Conn., Russ in Mobile, Ala. (though I may come back to his, it's a good one!), Steve in Parkersburg, W.Va., and Craig in York, Pa.