Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Beaver Stadium: bigger than The Big House...eventually...and for only two years

Beaver Stadium will officially become the largest stadium in the United States soon when Michigan removes regular seating. You can read the article from the Centre Daily Times for more details, but basically UM doesn't have enough handicap seating. Therefore, they must remove some regular seating to adjust. The final seat count? 106,201 for The Big House and 107,282, per the Associated Press. This is to be put into effect immediately and The Big House will have more handicap seating for the 2008 season. Beaver Stadium will not hold the title of Biggest Stadium in the Country for long, however. Michigan is already underway with a large construction duty that is increasing the size of The Big House by at least 5,000 seats. The renovations are expected to be completed by the start of the 2010 season. Hmmm...I think it is time for Penn State to make Beaver Stadium a bit bigger.