Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sports Fountainhead Blogger Pool - Standings (After Elite 8)

After Elite 8
1st: Eric Wertz - 40 correct, 20 wrong (92 points)
2nd: Tom Sabbatelli - 42 correct, 18 wrong (91 points)
3rd: Jonathan Donati - 40 correct, 20 wrong (86 points)
4th: Justin Raffauf - 38 correct, 22 wrong (81 points)
5th: Joey Mays - 34 correct, 26 wrong (60 points)

For the first time ever all 4 #1 seeds reach the Final Four. This is of course great for all the bloggers since each of us have a #1 winning it all. These standings will still change a lot since the next round is worth 16 points/game correct and the championship is worth 32 points for a correct prediction. Stay tuned.