Tuesday, June 24, 2008

500th Post

Today is Sports Fountainhead's 321st day on Blogger. Through the collaborative posting of Eric, Jonathan, Tom, Justin, Arvind, and me, we have reached 500 posts. That works out to approximately 1.5 posts a day. I know it has been slow recently but most of our passion lies with football. I assure you readers that once August roles around there will be plenty more posts and updates about the NFL and college football. I won't be recapping the last 250 posts, as I did here.

Instead I would just like to extend a simple "thank you" to the bloggers and how ever many readers we may have out there. I know there aren't a lot but I know there are a few out here that enjoy our stuff. Thanks for coming back.

I'd like to take this time to bribe anyone that reads this to continue coming back by listing a few things I'd like to feature on Sports Fountainhead in the coming months:

  • MLB 2nd half predictions
  • NCAA Football 2009 simulation (for 2008-2009 season) - unedited rosters; results and statistics will be listed here
  • NCAA Football 2009 simulation (for 2008-2009 season over the course of 10 simulations) - unedited rosters; average wins/losses and bowl appearances for major teams and surprise teams, results and statistics will be listed here
  • Madden 2009 simulation (for 2008-2009 season) - unedited rosters; results and statistics will be listed here
  • Madden 2009 simulation (for 2008-2009 season over the course of 10 simulations) - unedited rosters; average wins/losses and playoff appearances for all teams, results and statistics will be listed here
  • College Football preview and predictions
  • More NFL predictions (view version 1 here and version 2 here)
  • The return of the Sports Fountainhead Top 25 poll and NFL Hot 12
  • Fantasy football insight
  • And much, much more! Honestly, when August comes around we will most likely average 3 posts per day.
If any of the other contributors would like to announce something they plan on working on the rest of the summer let me know and I'll add it to the list.