Friday, November 30, 2007

Celebrating 250 Posts

Touche, McDonati. Touche.

November has been a down month here at Sports Fountainhead. Blame the Thanksgiving holiday and increase workload at school and work for the contributors. But never fear, this article marks the 250th post on Sports Fountainhead 2.0! Yay! We are so young. Sports Fountainhead 2.0 debuted on August 9th, 2007 and 114 days later we arrive at 250 posts (an average of ~2.19 posts a day...I attribute the .19 posts to Steely McDonati). While some posts are merely jabs at other writers (see picture above) and don't contribute anything to the site, others are quite great. Well written, informative, argumentative, and above all else, sports related. Below I have linked to my favorite articles written by all of the contributors to this site. If you are new to the site and haven't used the archive, here is your chance to read some of the greatest articles to ever grace Sports Fountainhead. Enjoy!
So that about does it. There were many more I wanted to choose but some of these were my favorites/interesting/crazy/funny/etc. I'd like to thank our readers and all of the contributors. The first four months of Sports Fountainhead 2.0 have been awesome. I hope everyone agrees. Thanks again.

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