Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Where have I been?

No, I don't mean about posting. I clearly haven't taken a vacation; posting has been pretty regular around here of late.

What I mean is, what sporting events have I been to? This exercise was really for my historical reference to reminisce about all the tings I have done in the sports world.

However, if you're interested to see the games I've been to check out the right sidebar under the schedule and you can see what sporting events I have attended. It is limited to football and basketball right now but I hope to add hockey and baseball soon.

I've limited it to professional and collegiate matches. I could go on and on about all the lower level events I've seen. I have attended probably more than 30 Reading Phillies games and close to 20 Reading Royals games.

So check out where I've been. Eventually I'll have my thoughts on some of the games up and any pictures I may have from the event.

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