Saturday, April 18, 2009

Final Mock Draft Will Be Released Monday

One week from now is the NFL draft. Seriously. The last year has gone by quickly and it's time for another class of collegiate stars to find out where they'll be playing on Sunday's. Day One of the 2009 NFL Draft will start at 4 PM on Saturday and will most likely take 6-7 hours to complete. Rounds 1 and 2 are completed during Day One. Day Two kicks off on Sunday with round 3 starting at 10 AM.

I will be releasing my 10th and final 2009 mock draft on Monday. The only way I'll make any adjustments after Monday is if their is a huge trade and/or the Lions officially sign someone. The final average draft position analysis will be released as well. Using that data we'll take a look and so what consensus mocks say are the Top 32 players.